Lace Taster Day – August 24

Our yearly Taster Day is on again. Come and try making lace.

We are offering 2 hour introductory classes in:
* Bobbin Lace
* Crochet Lace
* Knitted Lace
* Needle Lace
* Tatted Lace

Materials and equipment will be provided.
Morning Sessions start at 10:15, Afternoon Sessions start at 1:15.
Cost is $10 per class.

Our Trading Table will be open. The items available for purchase will be curated for beginners. Sales will be cash only.


Briphil House
80 Gardennvale Road, Gardenvale Victoria 3185

For bookings and more information head to – bookings.

We look forward to meeting you.

Maggie Hensel-Brown Stitching Circle

We are thrilled to announce Maggie will be joining us at our January Lace Day to talk about her Community Needle Lace Project and conduct an afternoon stitching circle for the project.

The January Lace Day is Saturday January 27 at Briphil House – 80 Gardendale Rd – Gardenvale. Doors open at 10am with trading 10-12. First visit is free. Otherwise, entry is $10 to help cover the rent.

Both members and non-members are welcome to attend the stitching circle but please register at so we can ensure we have enough materials and room for all. Maggie’s talk will commence around 1pm followed by the stitching circle for making beautiful lace leaves for the community project.

Maggie requests a small cash donation for participating on the day. This will help cover the cost of materials and resources needed to bring this stunning project to fruition.

We cannot wait to welcome you in participating in this incredible project that has worldwide participation.

For more about this project head to –

We are at the Lost Trades Fair this weekend!

The Victorian Branch of The Australian Lace Guild are thrilled to be one of over 180 artisans and crafts people demonstrating our craft at the Lost Trades Fair this weekend in Bendigo.

Come visit us to see the art of lace being demonstrated and even give it a go!

March 11-12 Bendigo Racecourse 10am-4.30pm

for tickets head to

October Lace Day Speaker!

Please note, we have the incredible Sylvia Piddington from South Australia visiting us at our October 22nd Lace Making Day. Sylvia has kindly agreed to share some images of her work and discuss her creative process in lace, basketry and all things creative. We cannot wait to welcome her and have a chat. We hope to see you there! Here is just a taste of Sylvia’s creations.

Speaker Cancelled for September Lace Day

Apologies for the late notice but due to unforeseen circumstances Annette is no longer able to talk about our lace collection this Saturday.

Please bring along any lace recently completed for the display or any laces that have been entered in shows, given the Royal Melbourne Show is on at present.

Wendy Fletcher will present some information on Lace @ Home, a Facebook page with some great free patterns.

Doors open at 10am and traders from 10-12.

April Lace Making Day

The April Lace Making Day is This Saturday. Doors open at 10am.

Just a heads up – unfortunately our casual tallies mini workshop/discussion has been cancelled. Instead we hope to share some images from the Easter Lace Exhibition in Caloundra QLD – Lace A Space Odyssey.

Hope to see you there!

January Lace Day has been moved online

Please note – our January Lace Day has been moved online. Although the current restrictions still permit us to meet as a group, the fact the current wave is reported to be at its peak and the committee itself has a limited capacity to attend the day and ensure COVID-safe practices are in place, we have decided to move the lace day online.

We understand this might be disappointing for some members who were keen to meet face to face and we assure you, we plan to return to face to face meetings in February.

Please refer to an email sent to members for more details or contact our president for a link for the online meeting should you wish to join.

Thanks for you understanding and we look forward to seeing those who can make it online on Saturday.

November Lace Day – November 27

Hooray! We can meet face to face again!!!!!
Our Lace Day is this Saturday 10-4 at Briphil House!
We are delighted to announce Wendy will be attending with a full Trading Table as well as Smiljan with his stunning wooden bobbins, Maree with her beautiful pillows, bags etc and Marie from OIDFA will be present to take payments for membership renewals.
The library will be open. Please bring any lockdown lace you made to display and feel free to wear something festive.
The kitchen will be open for tea and coffee only and as per government regulations please bring proof of vaccination/exception to attend. We look forward to seeing you!

2021 Victorian Branch AGM rescheduled

State Government regulations prevent us from meeting Saturday (July 24), which was to have been our Annual General Meeting (AGM). On Saturday, at 2pm we will run the Social Zoom which had been scheduled for August 21. All Branch members are invited to attend. Please contact the president if you need the link.

The AGM will be rescheduled to September 25 at 1:15pm, which is also the Austalian Lace Guild’s AGM (earlier, at 11am). If we are able to run the Branch’s AGM in person in September, we will endeavour to provide coverage of the National AGM from Brisbane.

In summary…
• July 24: Social Zoom,
• August 21: Social Zoom cancelled
• August 28: Lacemaking Day, including Tatter’s Circle at Briphil House (subject to regulations)
• September 25: AGM for both Australian Lace Guild (virtual, 11am) and Victorian Branch (1:15pm, format to be determined)